Investoo Business Angels

The IBA is the only trade association dedicated to promoting angel investing and supporting early stage investment in the UK.  Each year private investor’s account for between £800 million and £1 billion of early stage investment in the UK: the single largest source of early stage capital in the country.

The IBA works to create an eco-system to promote and support the early stage investment market, providing a forum for these groups to integrate and share good practice on new developments and trends in early stage investing, development o f new services and tools to support the investment process.  IBA also acts as a voice to Government, stakeholders, business and the media to promote the interests and needs of the angel and early stage investment industry. 



and companies seeking funding

Business Angels invest across most industry sectors and stages of business development.

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looking to invest in early-stage businesses

Business Angels invest, between £10,000 and £750,000 in an investment.

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The IBA was created in 2004 and receives some support from the UK Government as well as a number of sponsors from the early stage industry.  It has a growing membership consisting of 22 Business Angel networks, 20 Early Stage Venture Capital funds, and over 30 professional advisory businesses, policymakers and academia. 

The IBA is driven by a Board of high calibre individuals from within the industry and supported by a network of 4 Committees whose membership comes from within IBA, meaning that members have not only a voice in the direction of the association, but also help drive forward and shape IBA policy.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the IBA please click here.


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