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Finance South East Limited

Sally Goodsell/Paul Cole
Devonshire Place, New Road
Crowthorne, Berkshire
RG45 6NA

01344 758540
01344 762002


Finance South East Limited (FSE), a not-for-profit-organisation, was established in June 2002 by the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) and the Business Links of the South East region. FSE is a specialist finance organisation that works with ambitious entrepreneurs across a wide range of sectors. Our aim is to enable the conversion of bright ideas to commercial reality with funding support. To achieve this, we operate advisory schemes including Access to Finance (an investment readiness service) and Fund Finder (a fund finding service). FSE also runs two business angel networks - the South East Capital Alliance (SECA) in conjunction with Business Links and the Sussex Innovation Centre and The Alchemists - a network specialising in early stage technology businesses in partnership with eight South East and London based universities and the Seede Enterprise Hub network (a regional network of incubators affiliated to the region's HEI's).

FSE also manages a number of Funds - the Accelerator Fund, a £10 million mezzanine loan fund aimed at first or second round funding stages. We also manage the South East universities and PoCKeT, which provides awards if up to £30,000 to SMEs undertaking joint research and knowledge transfer with a partnering university. FSE also provides expertise in mentoring through its Merlin programme.

FSE is the South East licensee for the London Business Angels Ready2Invest programme.

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