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5th October 2006-GEIF- Breakfast Briefing
5th October 2006-GEIF- Breakfast Briefing

Date of event:
  Thursday 5 October 2006

Organisation running event:  Great Eastern Investment Forum  www.geif.co.uk       
Event title:  Breakfast Briefing - Dr Sam Weller, Director of Kodak European Research Division, Cambridge   www.kodak.com/go/cambridge     

Summary of event (50 - 200 words):  "Focusing on the World of Digital Imaging"
Focusing on image and cognitive science, printing technologies, optoelectronics, materials science, and medical systems, the Cambridge centre has the mission to identify differentiated European science, technology and customer applications. This group allows Kodak to take advantage of European innovation and remain at the forefront of technological advances in digital imaging, printing and publishing, display systems and healthcare.
Prior to his current role, Sam has managed a variety of research, development and manufacturing activities in the UK, France and the USA.
During his speech Dr Weller will describe the impact of digital technology on consumer, printing and medical imaging.

Venue: Gonville Hotel, Cambridge   www.gonvillehotel.co.uk

Costs: £20 for BBAA members, £40 non-members

Contact: Marie-France Vincent, 01223 720 316  marie-france.vincent@nwbrown.co.uk

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