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1st August 2007 - Speakeasy4schools - Enterprise, Innovation and Sustainability Awards Semi-Final
1st August 2007 - Speakeasy4schools - Enterprise, Innovation and Sustainability Awards Semi-Final
Date of event:  1st August 2007

Organisation running event:  Speakeasy4schools.com

Event title:  Enterprise, Innovation and Sustainability Awards - Semi-Finals

Summary of event:

The Sustainability and Innovation Awards are the culmination of over 254 enterprise events in schools across the UK during 2007.

Between 50,000 and 100,000 students participate in the events and one team from each school will be invited to the awards ceremony to participate in the National final.

During the event, students will develop and research an innovative and sustainable product, produce a basic business plan and present their ideas back to a panel of judges. A judging panel consisting of young award winners, ambassadors and well-known business leaders will help decide the winning school. As a BBAA member, if you’d like to join the panel, please email William@speakeasy4schools.com

Venue:  London

Costs:  Either FREE or £295 per school Team

Contact: www.speakeasy4schools.com

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