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24th November 2006- Advantage Business Angels- POETS Friday
24th November 2006- Advantage Business Angels- POETS Friday

24th November 2006

Organisation: Advantage Business Angels (ABA)

Event: POETS Friday
Summary of events: POETS Friday (push off early tomorrows Saturday). It is a forum and networking club to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with other business people and potential clients and/or customers. At the POETS Friday meetings we offer a monthly, structured and business focused networking event based around a two hour lunch format. Please see www.poetsfriday.com for more information.

Venue: Edgbaston House,
3 Duchess Place, Birmingham, B16 8NH


Cost: £10 for members and £15 for non-members

Contact: Please go to http://wpay.abangels.com/cgi-bin/cp-app.pl to book your place

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