Investment Forum

20 September 2011

Organisation: Yorkshire Association of Business Angels
Date & time:   20 September 2011           17:45 – 22:00
Title:               Investment Forum
Venue:            AMP, Rotherham


Are you an entrepreneur looking for private equity funding?

Are you considering becoming an angel investor?

If so, we'd like to hear from you. 01423 810149

We are holding an investment forum in September where up to ten entrepreneurs are invited to introduce their business proposal to an audience of business angel members, associate members and intermediaries from the professional community.

The evening will commence with refreshments & networking followed by welcome speeches by YABA Director, Andrew Burton, and the meeting sponsor Irwin Mitchell.  Each of the ten selected companies seeking finance will present their proposal and will be given the opportunity to exhibit their company services/products during the networking and buffet.  The event will close by 10 o'clock.