Franchise Angels

Franchise Angels is a unique business concept that combines the investment approach of business angels with end-to-end franchise consulting support, to prepare your business for growth through franchising. We believe that with the right preparation, any business concept can be franchised, and we have worked successfully in retail, business and consumer services, charities, food service among other sectors. We do not charge anything at all for our work in preparing you for franchising, and we believe that it is essential that the originating business should be 'ring-fenced'and protected from risk as we build a new growth strategy with you.

We will set up a new incorporation to ensure that the franchising business remains clearly separate from your eisting operation, and Franchise Angels will partner you in this venturs. We will manager and fund all of the franchise marketing and recruitment processes, and make sure that everything is in place for your network to take root and grow.

Franchise Angels' investment is for the long-term; our reward comes from successful clients as we share in their success.