Growth Investment Network East Midlands

We’re a not for profit organisation funded by our members’ subscriptions. Our members include top industry specialists and leading organisations in the East Midlands. Together we form a powerful network of support for entrepreneurs, in which experts work together to get business propositions funded.

In a nutshell we make business owners aware of the possibilities of raising investment; manage a collaborative and cohesive network of organisations that support and/or fund growth companies. We also run a programme, ‘Angel Insight’ to support high net worth individuals considering business angel investing and we talk to venture capital firms from outside the region to encourage them to look at the fantastic deal opportunities in our region. We also run members only networking events to ensure that the network is well integrated and the members work collaboratively on supporting growth investment deals.

We do this through our website, a programme of events, a regular newsletter and wide ranging PR and marketing. The education section of the website has introductory articles on raising finance, as well as an ever growing library of articles, written by our specialists on a range of related issues. It also has all the growth investment news from around the region, details of events and most importantly, profiles and contact details for our network of specialists.