IQ Capital

IQ Capital is a £25 million venture fund that invests in seed and early stage high-tech businesses, as well as fast growing companies in more traditional sectors throughout the UK. The IQ Capital Fund is a genuine early stage investor and can invest from £0.25 up to £2.5 million per company.

IQ Capital focuses on the ‘intelligent capital’ concept to enhance prospect for growth of investee companies: we ensure that each investee is supported by an experienced sector expert, an ‘IQ Angel’, both financially, by significant co-investment alongside IQ Capital, and with hands-on strategic and operational advice post investment. Our network of ‘IQ Angels’ comprises some of the UK’s most successful entrepreneurs re-investing proceeds of successful ventures, and seasoned business executives, who add value at all stages of a company’s development.

IQ Capital is also linked to OION, GEIF and SWAIN, our partner business angel networks across the UK who assist the Fund with the dealflow and enhance its access to angel co-investors.

IQ Capital Partners LLP is a member of the B/EVCA and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.