Wolf-Pack Investments Ltd

WOLF-PACK® is dedicated to encouraging people who have an inventive idea for a product or process and to get the Concept through the developmental steps and to the market place as economically and as quickly as possible.

WOLF-PACK® has also been set-up to support existing small companies who might be about to decline or even fail, and to provide the financial, technical, and management support needed to realise the potential that exists.

The basis of Wolf-Pack® is equal sharing – the originator of the idea provides the “Concept” and Wolf-Pack® will finance the stages up to the product being offered for sale or to a revenue stream being generated.  From then on both parties enjoy 49% of the net profits, Wolf-Pack having 49% to finance further Concepts, and 2% going to a Registered Charity of joint choice.

An outline of the Wolf-Pack® Concept is available on www.wolf-pack.biz and applicants, who decide that they wish to be considered for investment or support, are invited to fill out the Application and to submit the form by email.

If the application meets certain objective and subjective criteria, above all that the Wolf-Pack® concludes that it could carry on a successful joint business relationship, investment will be made immediately. However, if the Wolf-Pack® is unsure, and does not think that it can invest time and money in the Concept, the Applicant will be informed as quickly as possible of the decision so that they can seek support elsewhere.