BBAA National Awards & Investment Summit, 30 June-1 July 2011, London

4 April 2011


The BBAA National Investment Summit, now in its 7th year, has become a key milestone in the calendar of all those keen to find out core trends and developments in early stage investing, offering an important forum for interaction for the angel/VC marketplace. The 2011 BBAA National Investment Summit is this year sponsored by Lloyds TSB Commercial and hosted by the ICAEW London Region at the prestigious facilities of the Chartered Accountants Hall; 1 Moorgate Place, London EC2. This Summit is organised in the context of the government’s new investing in growth campaign and Start-up Britain, following the recent budget tax incentives, as well as infrastructure measures, such as the 21 new UK Enterprise zones.

A wide range of expert speakers and panellists from both the UK and international sources will review the impact of such developments and their potential to achieve growth of the angel and early stage investment market, including a comparison with the US and other international approaches. Opportunities and challenges for investing in key growth sectors will be examined, looking at the interface with other finance sources, including banks and Corporates, as well as new models for raising entrepreneurial finance.

The Programme will include the following topics:

  • How are the Government’s measures going to impact on the UK’s economic growth and competitiveness?
  • Will Start-up Britain attract sufficient levels of finance to make this initiative viable to create high growth potential innovating businesses?- how will government actions support this both through direct measures and new infrastructure developments - how does it compare with the US Obama’s Start-up America actions?
    • A panel of key players from the UK and US investors will debate the opportunities and challenges of the focus on entrepreneurship to address economic growth.
    • The new Enterprise Zones and how these will link with local angel investment networks and groupings- Representative of a new Enterprise Investment Zones
    • Can the new measures for enhanced tax reliefs and increased R&D tax credits and reducing red-tape kick start growth and investing- Representative of a top accountancy firm- ICAEW London region
    • How is the investment community being engaged in the US Start-Up campaign- and what can we learn so far?
    • What impact will these measures have on the level and type of investing in the UK ? Angel/VC representatives
  • Can banks effectively invest in the angel /early stage space – or is there a misfit between equity-based deals and businesses suitable for bank lending schemes?
    • Panel led by Lloyds TSB Commercial
  • Which sectors are offering new opportunities for growth and investment? Key players in the UK’s hottest investment sectors will present industry market intelligence and opportunities for investment, with presentations from entrepreneurs that have recently received investment in the sector:
    • Med tech and Healthcare
    • Cleantech and Low carbon
    • Creative industries
    • Mobile and m-commerce
  • Silicon Valley UK? Does the UK have the ingredients to replicate the US model of entrepreneurial investing in start-ups? Angel and early stage investors will review whether the UK can achieve the Silicon Valley ecosystem?
    •  US Silicon Valley-Super Angel model (tbc)
    • New models for Entrepreneurial Investing: Angel Investor representatives:
    • Silicon VALLEY Bank (tbc)
    • East London "silicon roundabout" representative (tbc)

Details of the programme and how to register are available at

The BBAA Annual Awards Dinner on 30th June will be held at the exciting newly refurbished Museum of London and sponsored by the City of London.

This event which has become a focal point in the year for the angel and early stage investment market place will reward achievements across different aspects of the angel and early stage marketplace covering the financial year from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011.

BBAA is delighted to have the backing of the City of London Corporation and to be holding this event in the innovative location of the Museum of London one of the most uniquely interesting venues of the Capital. Participants in this event will have exclusive access to the exhibits of the Museum of London

Galleries during the Champagne reception, combined with excellent food, guest speakers and extensive networking opportunities in a unique and prestigious location in the historic heart of the City of London.

Details of criteria and nomination process for the 6 awards are available at