Private Investor delivers much needed new capital

19 May 2011

The right investor for most trading businesses does exist. If the owners are comfortable with an equity funding solution, then the chances are strong that funding can be delivered, however difficult the situation may appear.

Talk to us if you know of a business that has a need for capital. Our network of investors is unparalleled in the UK numbering well in excess of one thousand high net worth individuals. We offer an honest and swift appraisal of any situation and we'll happily meet with the owners at no cost or commitment.

We're pleased to offer a short review of a recent investment completion.

London Architects & Designers - Case Study

Our clients are Architects & Designers. They specialise in the administration and organisation of architecture and design modalities for high-end commercial developments.

When Beer & Young were approached the business had an order book running into seven figures, but a serious lack of working capital. The directors had committed significant personal resources but needed further external capital in order to secure enough time to deliver on their order book.

We introduced three investors in short order, one of whom stood head & shoulders above the others, as his core business is involved in our clients sector. In addition to the funding our investor has brought a wealth of experience and depth of respect within this sector.

As is typical with Beer & Young client situations, time was of the essence. Our investor was able to conduct his due diligence in a timely fashion and heads of terms were agreed in a matter of weeks.

We are delighted to confirm that the investment has now completed, enabling our client to move forwards with their plans and achieve their objectives.

We can help so give us a call…

If you know of a business that is experiencing financial pressures and has a need for capital, please talk to us. Our Investors are very active in today's market; businesses can be preserved and subsequently thrive - for the benefit of all stakeholders

Nick Young 020 7329 6886