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BBAA Conference Slides

Over 200 people joined us in Cardiff on 4th July for our third annual conference.  Many thanks to all of those that came; we hope you enjoyed the day!


A full report of the conference will be available at the end of August; in the meantime you can view the PowerPoint presentations from the day:


To view David Smith's slides: 'Emerging Markets.  Even stronger growth, even better opportunities?'   click here

To view Richard Harrison and Colin Mason's slides: 'Mapping Business Angel Investment Accross the UK'   click here

To view Alpesh Patel's slides:  'Making Rain In India'  click here

To view Risto Kalske's slides:  Investing Without Borders'  click here

To view Martin Bloom's slides:  'Investing Without Borders - Risks and Rewards'  click here

To view Ernie Richardson's slides:  'Globalisation and Current trends in the Private Equity Market'  click here

To view Brian Boroff's slides:  'Raising < £1M Between VC'c and Angels: An Entrepeneur's Perspective'  click here

To view Jeremy Stone's slides    click here

To view John May's slides:  'Is The Angel World Flattening?'  click here

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David Smith               Ernie Richardson              Janet Ashworth                 Panel Debate                     John May

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