FSE Ready for Equity! Academy

17 May 2011

Would you like to learn more about Angel Investing?

Delivered by Finance South East, The Ready for Equity!™ Academy offers 16 individual training sessions on everything you need to know about Angel Investing from ’How to become a Business Angel’ to ’IPR’ and ’Structuring Deals’. All sessions are delivered by certified RfE!™ trainers and you can read more about the content of each module from the Finance South East website.

The sessions can be delivered individually or as an embracing educational course that gradually introduces the trainees to Angel investing.

The next introductory session will be held on Tuesday 17th May in London. Please see details below.

Session: Introduction to Angel Investing and How to become a Business Angel

What to expect

The module covers:

  • The characteristics and roles of Business Angels, different types of private investors and the risks/opportunities associated with Angel investing.
  • The process of becoming a Business Angel and the identification and selection of investment opportunities.
  • Sources of Dealflow and different types of Angel groups are introduced.
  • Risk mitigating issues such as the portfolio approach and syndication are explained.

Date:Tuesday 17th May from 09:00 for 09:30 start until 13:00 (lunch and coffee breaks are included)

Venue: Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, London, EC2M 1QS

Cost:The cost of one training session is £110+VAT, however a 20% discount is available when pre-paying for the entire course and member of the FSE Investor Network are entitled to a 10% discount.

Registration:To register please reply to the link below providing an indication of the sessions you wish to attend.

I would like to register for the R4E Angel Training Session on 17th May

Early registration is highly recommended. Although every effort will be made to accommodate all registrations, the interactive basis of the training limits the number of participants