LBA Ready 2 Invest Workshop

18 May 2011

Venue:  Speechly Bircham LLP, 6 New Street Square, London EC4A 3LX
Nearest tubeChancery Lane

Business Angels have been recognised by the current Government as the key to financing the growth of SMEs, but many individuals with both spare finance capacity and professional skills have not yet identified this opportunity for investing in this asset class. Whilst recent research has shown that up to 22% IRR can be achieved across a mixed portfolio.

It is often assumed that Business Angel investors have to be extremely wealthy individuals, but most investing is done through pooling investments in syndication, taking advantage of the extensive tax breaks through the EIS scheme.

LBA is holding its next Ready 2 Invest Workshop on 18 May 2011. Attendance is highly recommended for any individual considering investing as an angel, as well less experienced investors wanting to learn more about this exciting high risk market.

This workshop will feature a panel of industry exsperts who will review the current market; the risks and rewards of angel investing, legal and technical issues and offer tips on investiong successfully, as well as networking drinks.

Workshop Programme

  • 4.30 pm - Registration and refreshments
  • 5.00 pm - Welcome and introduction to the programme: Jenny Tooth, Angel Capital Group
  • 5.05 pm - Background and current developments in the UK Angel investment market; returns, syndication and key considerations for angel investing: Anthony Clarke, Managing Director London Business Angels and Chairman, British Business Angels Association
  • 5.20 pm - How to make successful angel investments – tips from a serial LBA angel investor
  • 5.50 pm - Closing the negotiations - the investment term sheet: Charles Frank
  • 6.00 pm - Tea Break
  • 6.15 pm - Tax breaks and other issues for angel investors
  • 6.35 pm - Q&A and panel session (all speakers)
  • 6.45 pm - Next steps and investing with London Business Angels: Anthony Clarke
  • 7.00 pm - Networking
  • 7.45 pm - Close


The workshop is completely free for LBA investor members, and £50+vat for guests and non-members.Strictly limited capacity of 30 - please RSVP by contacting to book your place.

Please note: this event is for current/prospective investors only. Entrepreneurs/consultants are not permitted to attend (please click here to find out more about the service we provide for entrepreneurs).