NI Business Angels Encouraged to Spread Their Wings Across The Border

24 March 2011

Spread your wings and consider investments in promising start-up business ventures on both sides of the border.

Halo, the NI business angel network, a joint initiative of Invest Northern Ireland and InterTradeIreland, and HBAN the all-island industry body for business angel investment north and south are encouraging their Business Angel members to spread their wings and consider investments in promising start-up business ventures on both sides of the border.

HBAN Investor Syndicates, the angel investment initiative of InterTradeIreland, is examining the feasibility of setting up a north-south group of private investors around the M1 Newry Dundalk economic corridor and is hosting an information session for business angels at the Carrickdale Hotel, Ravensdale, Dundalk on Thursday 24th February between 4 and 6pm. This latest initiative is designed to support emerging high potential firms while also being of benefit to individual investors on either side of the border.

Angel investing has increased in importance, especially with the difficulties in the banking sector, and forms a vital source of finance for start-up companies with high growth potential. However there is strong evidence to show that angel investing is much more effective when done in syndicates – groups of angels working together and spreading their money across a number of companies. Halo and HBAN are working together to set up an angel syndicate for this area.

The European Business Angels Network (EBAN) estimates that there are some 75,000 private investors across over 300 syndicates with over €3 billion invested in emerging companies. (Source EBAN 2009 Activity Report). Halo itself has facilitated over £2.5m of private angel investment since 2009.

Halo and HBAN are inviting potential investors to the meeting where they will hear from expert speakers about how they can make meaningful investments in high potential businesses. The meeting is strictly for potential investors only and registration is available by contacting Halo NI via or Tel 028 9073 7814.

Encouraging angels to attend the event Alan Watts, Director of Halo NI said: “The global downturn and financial market crisis has increased the interest in Business Angel investing as it grows to fill the gap in traditional funding and investment models. This has created significant opportunities for private investors who are looking at different ways to achieve a return on their investment. For those that wish to try out business angel investing or who are keen to spread the risk it makes sense to consider investment syndicates. We believe that this latest initiative will deliver strong cross-border syndicates which not only pool the amount of angel investment and expertise but which will offer wider access to emerging businesses regardless of which side of the border they are on.”

Diane Roberts, National Director of HBAN Investor Syndicates added: “The costs of starting a company are less today than they were some years ago and private investors can create an exponential growth effect with their funding. Investments are also providing value for money as valuations are reflecting economic conditions. Investing in early stage companies is also considered to be an attractive prospect by many investors following the fall in stock market and property values. The most effective method of investment is where investors pool their resources and form portfolios of invested companies where they can support greater numbers of businesses and spread the possible risk of investment.”

The Halo NI/HBAN information meeting takes place at the Carrickdale Hotel, Ravensdale, Dundalk from 4pm – 6pm on Thursday 24th February. It is open to potential investors only. Admission is free but registration is essential. To register, attendees can contact Halo NI on Tel: 028 9073 7814 or via

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