North West Business Angels

12 November 2010

North West Business Angels


Having foreseen a reduction in budget, the publically funded Northwest Business Angels service has taken the opportunity to remodel its operations to provide an improved and more effective service to both businesses and investors and ensure continuity of the service.  The new model provides more in-depth investment readiness support to businesses via the team of finance specialists from the  Access to Finance Service at Business Link Northwest. The team identify appropriate businesses to pitch to investors utilising their contacts, and also provide support to businesses who register directly with Northwest Business Angels.


Alternative venues have been located to host the investor events and these are now formatted to encourage better networking between investors and syndication opportunities.  The new model has proven to be very successful, demonstrated by the increase in the quality and quantity of businesses pitching at September and November’s events and the positive feedback received from both the investor membership and businesses supported through the process. Places are already being taken by businesses preparing to pitch at the next event scheduled for February 2010 with Decembers event already oversubscribed.


Following the last two events 6 businesses received interest from an angel investors, 3 of which have already secured offers of investment.


The Northwest Business Angel service is free to access for both investors and businesses. For more details and dates of future events visit