IBA News

Budget 2024

22 March 2024

Anthony Clarke  said:

What Works for Investors in Growth Companies (and What Doesn’t)

6 March 2024

ICAEW Corporate Finance Faculty

Tuesday 6th March 2024, 08.30-10.30

Chartered Accountants’ Hall, Moorgate Place, London EC2R

Equity investment is accessible for entrepreneurial businesses – contrary to many rumours. But when are venture capital and private equity the right routes fast-growing companies? What types of finance are viable? And on what terms? Three leading experts - from the Business Growth Fund, Advent Venture Partners, and Angel Capital Group - tackle the big questions.


Further Clarification on SEIS

15 February 2024

Further to the presentation at the IBA Winter Investment Workshop by Kathryn Robertson (HMRC) on Thursday 26th January, we have had clarification on the £100,000 Individual Investor Limit for the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme:

The £100,000 is an annual limit. If an investor doesn’t use the relief in 2024/13 he gets a fresh £100,000 limit in 2013/14, which will attract 50% relief.

A Connected Market for Angel Investing

14 February 2024

Business Angel Investing

Business Angels: A key source of finance

Angel investment is the most important source of capital for start-ups and early stage businesses in the UK. The IBA estimates there are approximately 15,000 angel investors operating in the current market, investing nearly £1 billion per annum.

The Prime Minster celebrates Angel Investing at No 10

13 February 2024

Angel investment was recognised by the Prime Minister as the most important source of capital for start-up and early stage businesses at a major event held at No 10 Downing St, last Friday, 10th February. The event which was hosted by David Cameron and Lord Young,  the  Enterprise Tsar,  was attended by over 100 representatives of the angel community around the UK, and notably from the Investoo Business Angels, together with other main players in the SME finance market place.

Prime Minister and Lord Young chair panel discussion at Downing Street with business angels, entrepreneurs and professional advisers

13 February 2024

The Prime Minister and Lord Young have chaired a panel discussion at Downing Street with business angels, entrepreneurs and professional advisers, to share views on issues affecting the angel investment sector and discuss how we can improve the conditions for new enterprise in the UK.

Read a transcript of the Prime Minister's speech and Q&A:

Click HERE for the transcript.

Prime Minister meets Business Angels

13 February 2024

Angel investment was recognised by the Prime Minister as the most important source of capital for start-up and early stage businesses at a major event held at No 10 Downing St, last Friday, 10th February. The event which was hosted by David Cameron and Lord Young,  the  Enterprise Tsar,  was attended by over 100 representatives of the angel community around the UK, and notably from the Investoo Business Angels, together with other main players in the SME finance market place.

2024 is the year for Angel Investing! Investoo Business Angels Winter Investment Workshop 26th January, NESTA

30 January 2024

Despite the gloomy economic forecasts, 2024 promises to be a landmark year for the further growth and significance of Angel investing, and offers a vital opportunity to ensure that there is a connected environment for financing enterprise in the UK. This was the theme of the Winter Investment Workshop hosted at NESTA on 26th January attended by over 120 representatives from the Angel and early stage investment marketplace who heard from over 20 expert speakers and panellists.

IBA Networking Dinner & Winter Investment Workshop 2024

25 January 2024 - 26 January 2024

IBA Networking Dinner 25th January 2024

Location: The Royal Society, Carlton Terrace, London SW1

IBA Winter Investment Workshop 26th January 2024

Location: NESTA, 1 Plough Place, London EC4A 1DE

Catalysing Growth in Angel Investing